A fabulous and unique Experience that you will want to do again and again!
Meeting all of our fabulous Llama boys , learning about their characters and a few llama facts.
This is a one to one bespoke Experience and quite possibly one of the best experiences that you will have . Exclusively your time with the llamas by yourselves (regardless of the size of your group, minimum of 2 required and children must be 8 years old under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a paying adult).
Therefore you will not be sharing your experience with other people ( apart from the staff here at Briery Hill Llamas and our llama boys!)
Each person will have their own llama throughout the Experience.
You will be able to brush, walk and feed your llama throughout the Experience and learn how calming and wonderful these fabulous animals are.
The llamas will capture your hearts and work their mystical llama magic on you , once under their spell we guarantee you will fall in love them !
Vouchers are valid for 6 months.